In today’s society, we often find it strenuous to take time to evaluate who we are as individuals, what our strengths and weaknesses are, what drives us (personalities, etc.), our habits, our values, and even what influences us (or those things). Whether the reason behind it is that of a busy schedule, or you feel that there’s nothing to learn that you don’t already know, these essential things are commonly left undiscovered In most people’s lives. Before taking leadership 101 at my college, I was one of those individuals who felt as though there was nothing else to discover. I always thought I ‘knew’ who I was, so what was the point of doing it? but throughout the entirety of My Leadership 101 class, the rigorously thought-provoking assignments and tasks that I’ve completed have truly promoted a deep reflection of my identity, strengths, and power. The assignments and tasks have truly forced me to take a deeper dive into all the things that make up me, my surroundings (also how they influence me, etc.), viewpoints, and many more and it is through that, a significant change in my identity, strengths, and power has occurred.

Individual Identity
With individual identity, the tasks and assignments that I’ve completed have caused a significant shift in how I see myself. The assignment that is the major cause behind this change was the reflection on StrengthsFinder. In this assignment, through a series of questions, I gained more familiarity with myself through figuring out what my attribute themes were and how I could turn those themes into strengths for success through a better understanding of the world and its inhibitors. The five attribute themes that I received forced me, for the first time, to take a deeper look within myself to question what I thought I knew. The responses that were given to me completely shocked me because they were the complete opposite of what I thought I knew about myself. I didn’t see myself as a learner, an Achiever, Analytical, Disciplined, and Deliberative So Knowing these five attributes and comparing them to what I believed, forced me to question who I was and ultimately caused me to erase anything I thought I knew about myself to further explore.

Individual strength and power
With individual Strengths and power, the assignments and tasks I have completed not only assisted me in utilizing(and strengthening) my strengths but also helped me find new ones and become more confident in my ability to do things. The assignment that was a major help with this was all the revising (of our writing assignments) we did. For the revising assignments, we would always have to meet with one of our teachers to sit down and discuss our writing and how we could improve it. Through this meeting, the focus was to find all the weaknesses of the paper and your writing and take those weaknesses and make them into strengths you could use. Learning the weaknesses I had through those meetings helped me to be more confident in my ability to do things ( such as writing public speaking etc. ).

Even though I have yet to figure out who I am, my leadership 101 course has shined a light that will continue to help me in becoming one step closer to.
self identification